Friday, March 5, 2010


I bet you get those cute e-mails that tell us how this generation never knew life without TV that if you were born after such and such a year you don't remember the Beatles, you never knew life without a microwave. Those designed to show that they are ungrateful spoiled brats and we were the true Patriots, or Americans, or Pioneers or what ever they are pushing at the time the e-mail is sent. And, if truth be told we all enjoy reading them and seeing how far we have come and those older among us will say we were much better off without all the improvements. I got to thinking what I would want to give up that came along later in my life and there are some things I wish we could give up and never know existed but for the most part, I don't want to give up.......garbage disposals. My reputation as a cook. Not good. Jim tells everyone that our garbage disposal gags. I don't want to give up aluminum foil and paper towels. try to imagine life without them. I don't want to give up Post It Notes. Now that we are older we can put something on a calendar and forget where it is, but ahhh, read our bathroom mirrors. Everything from doctor's appointments to hair cut appointments and what pill to take. When we've done it we just take it off the mirror and toss it. Reading our bathroom mirror is really knowing us. I don't want to give up the blue sweetner. I am at that age when I don't really care about chemicals that go in my body. It needs all the help it can get and I like the blue stuff better than the pink or yellow stuff or organic stuff. (an excuse to up the price and make you think it is really organic when really organic is when you grow it without any chemicals and no Miracle Grow) Of course I don't think you will find a single senior citizen that would want to give up the obvious appliances that make our lives better. I was about 8 years old when we got electricity on the farm. I can testify that life is better with electricity. Then came indoor plumbing. With the winter we have had if you long for the outhouse, well something is just wrong. So don't be too quick to long for the good old days, they might not have been so good after all. But the main thing I don't want to give up is this Computer because without it I would not be connecting with you this very moment, Something to be said in favor of that. More later about what I wish we had not given up.

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