Saturday, March 13, 2010


My family thinks I make all the decisions at our house. For the most part that may be true. My mate has never liked to make day to day decisions. We eat out a lot. Other than the few times when he planned a surprise dinner or he was particularly hungry for something I do not ever recall him choosing where we were going to eat. Many times we have been driving down a highway we have never traveled and he would say for me to pick a place to eat. I would say there is a (name a chain), he would then complain that I didn't tell him to turn in time. But never once in over 50 years do i ever remember him turning around and going back. When Mate travels he travels in one direction, straight ahead.

This morning was a good example of decision making. He got up, got the paper made the coffee. I got up drank coffee read the paper and got in the shower We had a funeral to attend. I am in the shower, he knocks loudly on the door and I say "What". He says "Should I wear a sweater or a jacket?" I said "Yes". He said "Which" I said "Sweater" . Now when we were young I would have said something like well, I don't know what ever you want, or more detail like what else or you wearing, or what is the weather like. AND I may have said it with a sneer, I no longer do that Its just easier to make the decision. He is satisfied and we haven't had to have a long discussion. Personally I do not ever remember asking if I should wear an outer covering. Its a decision I'm comfortable making.

Today in Wichita Falls turned out to be a beautiful, warm sunny day. We left the funeral home, went to Sams and he said to me, "You know I'm getting warm, you think I should take the sweater off and leave it in the car when we go into Sams?" I said "Yes".

Just so you will know, this is the same Mate who when we found out our grand baby had leukemia immediately made the decision that we needed to go to California to help out til we had her in remission. The same mate who when one of our young missionaries got robbed, made the decision that we did not leave the Church building til we had enough money collected to replace what they had lost, the same mate who when he heard students were going to Colorado to work with the homeless teens and they needed sleeping bags immediately made the decision to go to the computer to find something we could afford. So if its all the same to everyone I will continue to make the important decisions and let him take care of the rest. I think they are in pretty good hands.
There is a newly wed couple at our church. I love this young man so much and am becoming just as attached to her. He said he hates to go to the store all of a sudden because of decisions. Said she sent him to the store for a pound of butter, he had to ask someone where the butter was and a couple of ladies sort of snickered at him He was standing in front of the butter. They said here it is. He said he knew that but his wife wanted a pound of butter what kind should he get. He now makes her get the butter package out, he takes a picture of it on his phone and goes to the store with that. I know why. I looked in the store today and counted 14 different kinds of butter. No wonder decision making is a major undertaking.


  1. Hello. Thanks for checking out my blog! I always enjoy "meeting" new people, both in person and in print. I see that you have been in the legal profession. That must really be an interesting thing to do! You write a very interesting blog, and I enjoyed reading about your husband and his reluctance to make day-to-day decisions. I guess it is easier to let someone else make decisions. However, not for me. I come from a matriarchal family, and I guess you could say I am of the same type. I will be reading your blog regularly. Best regards to you. Ruby

  2. Hi, I came over from Grammy's blogspot and enjoyed my visit. I like your sense of humor and enjoyed your posts. You are invited to come by my place anytime. I am a southerner and we all like company!

  3. Hi, It's me again. Sorry, I left the wrong link. I have moved my blog to wordpress. You can get to me by clicking my name on this post.
