Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hair Color

You know I have never met a hair coloring agent that I didn't like. In fact I have been fascinated by hair coloring most of my life, or you might say by hair. My sister had long curly blond locks that everyone raved about. I on the other hand had I guess it was termed dish water blond which had not a curve in it and which I insisted on cutting at interesting angles. She was probably 4 years old or so. I would have been older, when I had just heard enough. So I cut her curls off. Up til then this was the worse thing I had ever done. My dad chased me around the house threatening me within an inch of my life. Let me digress by saying that my parents did not spank but I do remember thinking that this might be the first. I escaped with only stern warning that I was never to touch scissors again my entire lifetime. As poetic justice, she has beautiful hair to this day and I, well its still a problem.

But back to hair color. Same dad did not think you should color your hair which was enough for me to determine to do so. For some reason the style was to put a streak of color in one's hair which of course I did, but not so big that I couldn't hide it. From that day forward I have fooled with hair color and wigs and wiglets.

Wigs came into fashion when I was in my late 30s. My mother called me from the beauty shop and told me to come up on my lunch hour and look at what they had for sale I did so. Oh the wigs were gorgeous. Cost $75.00 a small fortune. I ordered one. Never made a major purchase like this without discussing it with Mate. Had about 6 weeks to figure out how to tell him. Thats when I discovered a great marriage tool, quite by accident I might add. He would be in such a good mood and I would hate to ruin it and besides I could never come up with the exact words to use, but as time got closer, we had a big fuss, I don't know about what, but it occurred to me why waste a mad. So I looked him in the eye and said, "Besides all that I bought a wig". He was so shocked that nothing further was said. Marriage Lesson: "Never waste a mad, get it all out and over with." that served me well from that day forward.

Since then I have had yellow hair, purple hair, a very pretty pinkish hair and lots of time hair with a green tinge, and what I finally settled on "Light Ash Blond". What it does is partially cover up the grey but leave you thinking you are a blond. I could never get the color I wanted most of all and that was and still is "Red". There is a lady at our church who I sit behind in Sunday School. She may never know that to this day and for many years I have felt envy in my heart for her hair (but I don't think it is the sinful kind) I was lucky enough to have a granddaughter with beautiful red hair plus she has all of that wonderful coloring that goes with the perfect red hair. She looks great in pastels and in vibrant colors. You know the kind, I am thinking Susan Hayward .

After I got over the wig, I discovered wiglets. It was nice to send my hair to the hair dresser and then pick it up. Trouble was it cut down on the coloring. You know how some women have a shoe fetish, well I had a wiglet fetish and had many of them in many colors all pinned on blank faced heads, Many times I have looked like those men you see who wear a toupe which does not match anything l that shows.

I still love coloring, its one of those you never know what you get til it dries events. In this day and time when you are old enough to know what is going to happen in relation to what you have done, its nice to have a surprise every now and then.

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